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Why Is Saatva The Most Recommended Mattress In Town?

Saatva Mattress

There are two things that one needs to value in life: good health and time. And good health is nothing without a good night’s sound sleep. According to the health experts, since people spend about one third of our average day in bed, the mattress matters a lot. The impact of the sleeping mattress is found majorly on our sleep patterns, which in turn helps in reducing the pressure points in the human body that ensures we have a good and proper sleep. However, not all sleeping mattresses are suitable for everyone. It also depends on the person’s personal choice.

Saatva Mattress

Someone might prefer a firm mattress in comparison to someone opting for a softer mattress. While choices may differ, the basic requisites while choosing a mattress should not be ignored. A sleeping mattress should be firm, but gentle as well. Too hard mattress can cause discomfort while sleeping. It will not let the body relax and rejuvenate after a tiring day. This is exactly what Saatva Mattress offers to its users.

The mattresses from Saatva have a coil on coil feature wherein the lower coil unit has a connected hourglass shaped steel shaped base. On the other hand, the top coil provides a luxurious and separately wrapped coil system that takes the shape of the body perfectly and responds properly. Another advantage of the wrapped coil is that because each coil is separate, the other areas in the bed does not get disturbed when there is a movement.

Why should you choose Saatva Mattresses over others?

The sleeping mattresses offered by Saatva offer a proper lumbar support owing to the high quality memory foam layer. This adds extra pressure relief that results in reducing stress as well as tension from the lower back portion of the body.

Saatva plays a big role when it comes reducing back ache and the stiffness caused with its patented Spinal Zone sleep technology. This zone contains an active wire support in the center that helps in correcting the spinal alignment of the body, provides support while making a proper weight distribution and reduce the pressure points. This makes the person enjoy good sleep.

Another advantage that Saatva has over others is the steel coil base support system in the lower coil base. This enriches the quality of the mattress and makes sustainable for a long time and also prevents from sagging.

Saatva has to its credits the Chiropractic Seal of Approval as well as being the Official Mattress of Healthbridge Sleep Clinic. One of northeast’s leading sleep clinics, Healthbridge, a clinical affiliate of Northshore/LIJ Hospital is committed to offer help to people who suffer from sleeping problems and has chosen Saatva mattress as the official mattress after it has proved its calibre of improving the quality of sleep of the patients at Healthbridge.

Saatva mattress can be bought at an affordable price by simply placing an order online, owing to their “no store” philosophy which reduces the cost considerably. The above mentioned reasons are proofs of why should one choose Saatva over the other mattresses.